• Apnea MonitorApnea Monitor Quick View
    • Apnea MonitorApnea Monitor Quick View
    • Apnea Monitor

    • A machine that detects when your baby stops breathing for a few seconds. An alarm goes off to let NICU staff know your baby has stopped breathing.
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  • Arterial line Quick View
    • Arterial line Quick View
    • Arterial line

    • A thin tube that goes into your baby’s artery to check his blood pressure and measure blood gases. An artery is a blood vessel that carries oxygen to all parts of your baby’s body. Blood pressure is the force of blood that pushes against the walls of the arteries. Blood gases are acid, oxygen and carbon dioxide in your baby’s blood.
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  • Bili lights Quick View
    • Bili lights Quick View
    • Bili lights

    • Bright lights over a baby’s incubator that treat jaundice. An incubator is a clear plastic bed that keeps your baby warm. Jaundice is when a baby's eyes and skin look yellow. A baby has jaundice when his liver isn't fully developed or isn't working. Treatment with bili lights is also called phototherapy. Babies can have this treatment for 3 to 7 days.
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  • Blood pressure monitorBlood pressure monitor Quick View
    • Blood pressure monitorBlood pressure monitor Quick View
    • Blood pressure monitor

    • A machine connected to a small blood pressure cuff wrapped around your baby’s arm or leg. The cuff takes your baby’s blood pressure at regular times and displays it on a screen. Blood pressure is the force of blood that pushes against the walls of the arteries.
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  • BUBBLE C-PAP Bubble C-Pap Quick View
    • BUBBLE C-PAP Bubble C-Pap Quick View
    • BUBBLE C-PAP Bubble C-Pap

    • Bubble CPAP is a non-invasive ventilation strategy for newborns with infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS). It is one of the methods by which continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is delivered to a spontaneously breathing newborn to maintain lung volumes during expiration. With this method, blended and humidified oxygen is delivered via short binasal prongs or a nasal mask and pressure in the circuit is maintained by immersing the distal end of the expiratory tubing in water. The depth to which the tubing is immersed underwater determines the pressure generated in the airways of the infant. As the gas flows through the system, it “bubbles” out[1] and prevents buildup of excess pressures.
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  • Cardiopulmonary monitor Quick View
    • Cardiopulmonary monitor Quick View
    • Cardiopulmonary monitor

    • A machine that tracks your baby’s heart and breathing rates. It’s connected to your baby’s chest with small sticky pads called leads. Information from the monitor displays on a screen and can be printed out. If your baby’s heart or breathing rate becomes too fast or too slow, an alarm sounds.
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  • Central lineCentral line Quick View
    • Central lineCentral line Quick View
    • Central line

    • A small plastic tube that goes into a large blood vessel. Your baby gets medicine and fluids through the tube, and providers can draw blood out through the tube. One kind of central line that’s used a lot is called a peripherally inserted central catheter (also called a PICC line).
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  • Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) Quick View
  • Defibrillator/Monitor Quick View
    • Defibrillator/Monitor Quick View
    • Defibrillator/Monitor

    • Early defibrillation is a critical component in treating cardiac arrest. ZOLL® offers monitor/defibrillators to meet the needs of trained rescuers, first responders, and hospital professionals. Our entire line of defibrillators features a uniform operating system, so the need for training is minimized and ease of use is maximized.
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  • Endotracheal tube Quick View
    • Endotracheal tube Quick View
    • Endotracheal tube

    • A small plastic tube that goes into a baby’s nose or mouth and down to the windpipe (also called trachea) that sends air and oxygen to the lungs. The tube is attached to a machine called a mechanical ventilator to help your baby breathe.
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  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) Quick View
  • Infant Incubator Quick View
    • Infant Incubator Quick View
    • Infant Incubator

    • A neonatal incubator is a rigid box-like enclosure in which an infant can be kept in a controlled environment for observation and care. The device may include a heater, a fan, a container for water to add humidity, a control valve through which oxygen may be added, and access ports for nursing care.
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